The Merv Griffin Show

The Merv Griffin Show

The Merv Griffin Show Premiered 1965 | 38 Episodes | Talk Show | English The Merv Griffin Show is widely considered one of the premier talk shows in the history of television. Hosted by the charming and intelligent Merv Griffin, this ground-breaking show was known for...
The Mothers-In-Law

The Mothers-In-Law

The Mothers-In-Law Directors Desi Arnaz, Maury Thompson, Elliot Lewis | Premiered 1967 | 56 Episodes | Classic TV, Comedy | English Set in the swinging late 1960s, The Mothers-In-Law centers on the laugh-filled misadventures of longtime neighbors who become related...
My Living Doll

My Living Doll

My Living Doll Directors Lawrence Dobkin, Ezra Stone | Premiered 1964 | 10 Episodes | Classic TV, Comedy | English Dr. Robert McDonald moves the beautiful robot Rhoda Miller into his apartment and begins the task of training her how to function in the human world,...
Pat Paulsen’s Half a Comedy Hour

Pat Paulsen’s Half a Comedy Hour

Pat Paulsen’s Half a Comedy Hour 1970 | 13 Episodes | Comedy | English In 1970, the legendary comedian Pat Paulsen starred in Pat Paulsen’s Half A Comedy Hour, his own series for ABC-TV, following three years as a regular cast member on “The Smothers Brothers Comedy...
Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction Directors Richard Whorf, David Alexander, Sherman Marks, Jean Yarbrough, Guy Scarpitta | Premiered 1963 | 21 Episodes | Classic TV, Comedy | English The long-running television classic Petticoat Junction (CBS-TV, 1963- 1970) was one of the most...